Friday, August 15, 2008

Birds of the planted forests talk by Dr. Alison Styring

Dr. Alison Styring presented an excellent talk on Birds of the Planted Forests on 9/8/2008 at Li Hua Hotel. She talked about the project she is currently working on including the methods and the findings so far. It was interesting indeed that so many species of birds can be found in the planted forests zones indicating a rich biodiversity still existing in these areas as compared to the palm oil plantations. The Dawn Chorus recordings of the bird songs from the forests was fantastic, even more so when Dr. Alision was able to identify the specific birds making those songs! The presentation ended fittingly with a recording of the cry of the Hornbill, a magnificient cry that always astounds one's heart.

We thank Grand Perfect for again sharing with us the works of their experts and Mr. Joannes Unggang and his team at the Conservation Unit for his tireless effort in organising these events for everyone.

A big thank you! and we look forward to the next talk.

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